Sunday 31 March 2013

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michael kors known as one of the fittest players on tour in the 1980s and early 90

Guerlain's Shalimar has unquestionably withstood the test of time: it has been around since 1925. Despite its long history, Shalimar is a classic and is still very popular today. Shalimar has a vanilla scent, and is lightly sweet without being overpowering.

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"That's where you start it off at," Wallace said at O2 Arena. "There's a lot of bad habits a lot of guys have now in the NBA and in college, so there's only one way to get them started right and that's to go back to the roots. Too many prima donnas up here.

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"They got us in the final so it would be nice to get a second chance against them," said Hargrave, who leads the Rebels in goal scoring in the tournament with six goals in as many games. "We've played them a lot, so I think we know a lot about them. We've just got to treat it like any other game.".

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